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Our Services

More than Services, We're Your Research Partners: we help you design, execute, trouble shoot and succeed.

Custom Cloning Constructs

CRISPR-Mediated Gene Editing

DIY Gene Editing Kits

shRNA Design and Viral Packaging

Knockin, Knockout, and Base Editing

Genotyping and Sequencing


Are you looking to generate cell lines for

Point mutation or correction of point mutation in endogenous loci.

Stable cell lines for one or more genes of interest.

Stable Knockout line for oneor more genes.

Transient overexpression.

Doxycycline inducible cell lines for your gene of interest.


Are you looking for cloning solutions?

Tagging Fluorescent proteins (GFP, RFP, etc) or epitopes (Flag, V5, myc, etc) for desired endogenous loci

Cloning/expression vectors.

cDNA library construction.

Customized siRNA pool against a gene of interest.

shRNA lentivirus against a gene of interest

CRISPR construct for KO against a gene of interest.


Additional Services

PCR-based mycoplasma test kit.

Mycoplasma testing

Cell line authentication

cDNA cloning

Mouse primary cell lines

V - edit
vcult life science
Reed biotech
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